Having grown up in North Germany I studied Naval architecture in the UK and subsequently worked with some international shipping companies in several countries, culminating in 2015 in the Chilean port of Valparaiso. I had always used my holidays in Europe to job harvest grapes, developing a keen interest in vineyards, vinificación and even more so fermentation processes. With this background I could not help but be fascinated by Chilean wine culture and so finally, in 2017, I commenced full time to gaining the knowledge which would lead to the production of my first unique wines in 2019. With climates ranging from the hot deserts of the north to the cold Patagonian regions of the South, Chile offers many diverse wineries. But in the region of Biobio I knew this southern cold climate, coupled with volcanic soil, was where I could produce the very best wines for the modern market. The Biobio county of Yumbel is rich in history, wine was already produced here by the Conquistadores and some still producing vines are more than 250 years old. Most Yumbel vineyards are relatively small, having been passed down for many generations, and it was here that I met the local wine makers Mauricio and Daniela. Welcoming me with open arms I was integrated into the local community and accepted as an apprentice for their winemaking technique. In stark contrast to the factory wineries in most of Chile winemaking in Yumbel very much maintains a traditional touch, involving rauli (Chilean birch) wooden vats and presses. So Yumbel is where I took my stand; immersing myself in traditional ancestral winemaking and at the same time looked for opportunities to fuse this with more modern bio-dynamic principles 


Feel free to download the recap of 2022s vintage, giving insight on vinification, wines produced, labels etc.

Pü Wines recap 2022 .pdf


Pü WInes Recap 2022 ESPAÑOL.pdf



Germany; https://www.ahwas.de/weingueter/pue-wines/

Italy; https://elementoindigeno.com/produttori/PU-WINES

Chile; please contact via. instagram or e-mail link below:




(please keep it simple and give it time)

Chile natrual wine, Organic wine Chile, Ornage wine Chile, Pu wines, Pu wines

Chile natural wine, Organic wine Chile, Orange wine Chile, Pu wines, Pu wines